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related articles2024-04-28
+The IGA Series provides fully automated and precise measurement of the magnitude and kinetics of gas or vapor interactions with samples at controlled pressure and temperature.
The Hiden CATLAB is a bench-top microreactor and combined mass spectrometer system for rapid and reproducible catalyst characterisation and reaction studies.
The XEMIS is a high accuracy sorption microbalance for precision weighing in extreme environments.
品牌:Hiden 产地:英国 TPD /TDS 超高真空热脱附质谱系统是一台紧凑的台式程序脱附气体分析装置,专为超高真空热脱附研究而设计的。 TPD超高真空热脱附工作站具有多窗口超高真空室,并与样品加热台耦合到高精度的HAL 3F / PIC脉冲离子计数的三重过滤质谱仪,具有极高的灵敏度和时间分辨率。
Hiden Isochema's MBR is a fully automated system, supplied with an integrated close-coupled mass spectrometer. In co-current flow mode, a gas mixture is applied upstream of the membrane at a controlled pressure and composition, while a dedicated helium flow flushes the downstream side. The gas composition is then analyzed to assess the separation performance of the membrane material. Alternatively, in cross flow mode, the MBR is operated without downstream sweep gas and the performance of the membrane is determined by comparing the downstream and upstream gas compositions. Design features include fully programmable operation, pneumatically actuated shutoff and switching valves with minimised dead volume, a high performance pressure controller and a precision engineered membrane cell with unique integral support structure.